“Unusual as the number may sound, we are truly celebrating this 11th anniversary because it marks another year of tremendous successes both financially and performance wise,” says
Vladimir Petak, ABS Jets’ CEO and Member of the Board of Directors. “It was a year of exceeding customers and stakeholder’s expectations in all department and areas of our activities.”
The contest question to be answered is: “What do you get if you turn around the numbereleven? Is it: A) 1, B) 11, C) 112, or D) 22?” The correct answer will qualify for the prize drawing. A ballot can be picked up and dropped off at ABS Jets booth nr. P107. The drawing and the announcement of the prize winners will also take place at the ABS Jets booth on 2nd convention day May 20, 2015, at 14:00 hr. The prize winners will also be announced in the media after the convention.
“Participating in our contest is a must for all EBACE visitors. We also look forward to welcoming customers, friends and guest at our EBACE booth and tell them about what we have accomplished and what we are able to offer now and in the future.” says Zuzana Vaclavova, ABS Jets’ Commercial Manager. “We are excited about offering that special weekend in Prague. It provides us with an opportunity to show the winners on location how ABS Jets provides its high quality professional services with its state-of-the-art processes, equipment and facilities.”